As the former Clothing Team Leader of the homeless outreach with Clara White Mission/Celebration Church, this time of year always presents the need for ballcaps and white Ts (spring favorites of our male guests) since the weather is warming up, and shoes - used work boots, tennis shoes, flip flops, etc. for both our male and female guests.
SHOE, HAT, & WHITE T-SHIRT DRIVE 2016: I will pick up any used/new hats, shoes, and white T-shirts you have between now and Friday, the 8th. Please message me and we'll set up a place and time for pick up! *If someone else invites you, feel free to bring your donations the day of volunteering! Delivery and Volunteer Opportunity: Come out to Clara White in downtown Jacksonville on Sunday, the 10th to hand out your donations to our guests and share your love and joy with the less fortunate! PS Students, I will give you 5 hours of community service for your time. Please bring the form with you. "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mark 10:45 NIV). |